Your math test has 38 questions and is worth 200. points. The test consist of multiple choice questions worth 4 points each and open ended questions worth 20 points each. How many of each type of question are there?

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To find the number of each type of question, let's use variables. Let's say the number of multiple-choice questions is represented by "x", and the number of open-ended questions is represented by "y".

According to the information given:
1. The total number of questions is 38 ➔ x + y = 38
2. Multiple-choice questions are worth 4 points each, and open-ended questions are worth 20 points each.
3. The test is worth 200 points in total.

So, we can set up another equation based on the points:
4x + 20y = 200

Now, we have a system of two equations:
x + y = 38
4x + 20y = 200

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of "x" and "y".