The speed of a space shuttle is 3.2×10^6 cm/s. Convert this into miles per hour (mph) using only 12 inches/ft, 60 seconds/min, 60 minutes/hour, and 1 inch = 2.54 cm. Factor Analysis must be used. Express your result to three significant digits and in scientific notation.


Sorry, had to use a conversion from 5280ft/mile.

I got 71.6*10^4?

put this into your google search window;


I think you are off some.

To convert the speed of the space shuttle from cm/s to mph, we can use factor analysis. We need to convert cm to miles and seconds to hours in order to get the desired units.

1 inch = 2.54 cm

To convert cm to miles, we need to perform the following conversions:

3.2 × 10^6 cm/s * (1 inch/2.54 cm) * (1 ft/12 inch) * (1 mile/5280 ft)

Let's calculate this step by step:

Step 1: Converting cm to inches:
3.2 × 10^6 cm/s * (1 inch/2.54 cm)

This gives us the speed in inches per second.

Step 2: Converting inches to feet:
(3.2 × 10^6 cm/s * (1 inch/2.54 cm)) * (1 ft/12 inch)

This gives us the speed in feet per second.

Step 3: Converting feet to miles:
((3.2 × 10^6 cm/s * (1 inch/2.54 cm)) * (1 ft/12 inch)) * (1 mile/5280 ft)

This gives us the speed in miles per second.

Now, we need to convert seconds to hours:

1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 seconds

Therefore, to convert seconds to hours, we divide the speed in miles per second by 3600 (60 seconds * 60 minutes).

Finally, to express the result in scientific notation and to three significant digits, we calculate:

3.2 × 10^6 cm/s * (1 inch/2.54 cm) * (1 ft/12 inch) * (1 mile/5280 ft) * (1 hour/3600 seconds) = 7.14769 × 10^4 mph

Rounded to three significant digits, the speed of the space shuttle is approximately 7.15 × 10^4 mph.