Label as Cause & Effect

1. (Effect) When dropped, cats land on their feet.
(Cause) Cats are extremely agile creatures

2. (Cause) Few mammals can care for themselves at birth.
(Effect) Most mammals are born immature

3. (Effect) The sun has a powerful gravitational force
(Cause) The earth revolves around the sun.

1 is correct. 2 and 3 are wrong.

1. (Effect) When dropped, cats land on their feet.

(Cause) Cats are extremely agile creatures.

To identify the cause and effect relationship in this statement, we can observe that the effect is the action of cats landing on their feet when dropped. The cause of this effect is the fact that cats are extremely agile creatures. Cats' agility allows them to quickly twist their bodies in mid-air, enabling them to land feet-first when falling.

2. (Cause) Few mammals can care for themselves at birth.
(Effect) Most mammals are born immature.

In this statement, the cause is the fact that few mammals can care for themselves at birth. This leads to the effect that most mammals are born immature. Since these mammals are reliant on their parents' care for survival, they are born in a relatively undeveloped state and require assistance until they can attain independence.

3. (Effect) The sun has a powerful gravitational force.
(Cause) The earth revolves around the sun.

Here, the effect is the sun's powerful gravitational force. The cause of this effect is the fact that the earth revolves around the sun. The gravitational force of the sun holds the earth in its orbit, causing the earth to revolve around it.