For stephen . .Can we make or combine tachyons with shoes to increase our speed to approach the speed of light. If u have gone to d past how do u intend to come bak presently

Combining tachyons with shoes to increase our speed to approach the speed of light is currently not possible based on our current scientific understanding. Tachyons are hypothetical particles that are theorized to travel faster than the speed of light, but they exist only in theoretical physics.

In reality, it is not yet known how to harness or manipulate tachyons, as they violate the fundamental principles of physics as we understand them. Moreover, if they were to exist, their nature and behavior would likely be significantly different from what we are familiar with.

As for your second question, traveling to the past is currently considered to be impossible according to our current understanding of physics. The concept of time travel to the past leads to logical paradoxes and violates the laws of causality. Although there are interesting thought experiments and theories related to time travel, no practical method has been discovered yet.

So, at present, there is no feasible way to come back from the past because time travel to the past is considered to be outside the realm of possibility based on our current scientific knowledge.