Which of the following are informal powers of the governor? Choose all that apply. (2 points)

A.serving as a spokesperson for the state
B. acting as honorary head of his or her political party
C. commanding the states military force
D. proposing an annual budget for the state.
I think it's B,D. plz help

Governor of what?

Governor of anything. And hey, do you have the answer???????


To determine which of the options are informal powers of the governor, let's break down each choice and analyze them:

A. Serving as a spokesperson for the state: This power is typically considered a formal power of the governor, as it involves representing the state in an official capacity.

B. Acting as honorary head of his or her political party: This is an example of an informal power of the governor. Although not a constitutional or legal duty, governors often have influence in their respective political parties and can play a role in shaping party agendas and strategies.

C. Commanding the state's military force: This is usually a formal power of the governor, as it involves leading the state's armed forces and ensuring public safety.

D. Proposing an annual budget for the state: This is a formal power of the governor. It is their responsibility to propose a budget for the state, which is subject to the approval of the state legislature.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer would be B (acting as honorary head of his or her political party) and D (proposing an annual budget for the state). These options are informal powers of the governor.