Keith spent 60% of his money at game spot. If he spent $36 at game spot, how much money did Keith receive for his birthday?

.6 x = 36

x = 36 / 0.6


You are welcome.

To find out how much money Keith received for his birthday, we can first determine the total amount of money he spent at Game Spot as a percentage of his total money. We know that Keith spent 60% of his money at Game Spot and this amount is equal to $36.

Step 1: Determine the total amount of money spent at Game Spot as a percentage.
Let's represent the total amount of money Keith received for his birthday as "x".
We can set up the following equation:
0.60x = $36

Step 2: Solve the equation to find the total amount of money Keith received for his birthday.
Divide both sides of the equation by 0.60.
(0.60x)/0.60 = $36/0.60
x = $60

Therefore, Keith received $60 for his birthday.