Hello, I am reading the book Girl Interrupted and have to write a review on it, I know that the main person in the book had borderline personality, but I need to find how the treatment an or disorder affected the family, and I can't find the answer to that question. For the second question for treatment I have that Susanna was in a mental facility what else should i put down for treatment, thanks

Goodness. Susanna was nuts, detached from reality, had difficulty forming and maintaining relationships. How would it be to have a teen in the house like that?

Susanna describes her doubts about mental treatment, whether they are treating the brain or the mind. She underwent depersonalization. What do those imply about her treatement?

Dont fret to much about not seeing the answers to these two questions: Susanna had difficulty seeing what was happening around her also. At least the way most of us see things.

This is a good read for those who often if they have strayed over the line. Most of us have one time or the other.

You can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/. Try "borderline personality treatment".

As for the possible effects on the family, consider how you would feel if your sister, daughter had this disorder.

I hope this helps a little more. thanks for asking.

To understand how the treatment and disorder affected the family in the book Girl, Interrupted, you can consider the following points:

1. Increased Emotional Strain: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is known for causing intense emotional instability, impulsive behavior, and difficulties in maintaining relationships. These symptoms can put a significant strain on family dynamics, resulting in heightened emotional stress for the family members involved.

2. Conflicts and Communication Challenges: Individuals with BPD often struggle with interpersonal relationships, leading to conflicts and challenges in communication. This can impact the family's ability to effectively communicate with the person affected and understand their needs or emotions.

3. Constant Need for Support: People with BPD typically require a high level of emotional support and validation. Family members may find themselves navigating a constant cycle of providing reassurance, managing extreme emotional reactions, and dealing with impulsive or self-destructive behaviors.

4. Family Roles and Dynamics: BPD can disrupt typical family roles and dynamics. Family members may find themselves adapting to accommodate the individual's needs, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being. This can lead to shifts in power dynamics within the family and affect the overall stability of the household.

Regarding the treatment of Susanna in the book, besides being in a mental facility, you can explore the following points:

1. Psychotherapy: Susanna receives various forms of psychotherapy, such as individual therapy and group therapy sessions. These therapeutic interventions aim to help her understand and regulate her emotions, manage impulsive behaviors, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

2. Medication: Depending on the severity of symptoms, individuals with BPD may be prescribed medication to help alleviate specific symptoms related to mood swings, depression, anxiety, or impulsivity.

3. Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques: Susanna may engage in cognitive-behavioral techniques, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), which focuses on developing mindfulness skills, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.

4. Supportive Environment: In a mental health facility, Susanna would have access to a structured and supportive environment where her treatment team can closely monitor her progress, provide safety measures, and offer a sense of community.

Remember, these points are based on the general characteristics of borderline personality disorder and the treatment approaches commonly used. Make sure to refer to specific examples from the book to support your review.

Hello! I can help you find the information you need for your review on the book Girl, Interrupted. To understand how the treatment and disorder affected the family, you can take the following steps:

1. Review the book: Read through the book again, focusing on the interactions between the main person with borderline personality disorder (Susanna) and her family members. Look for specific instances where the disorder and treatment had an impact on the family dynamics.

2. Analyze character interactions: Pay attention to how Susanna's behavior, emotions, and treatment influenced her relationships with her family members. Look for instances where her disorder led to misunderstandings, conflicts, or changes in family dynamics.

3. Examine family dynamics: Look for changes in the family's behavior and structure due to Susanna's disorder and treatment. Consider whether there was a shift in roles, emotional strain, or changes in communication patterns within the family.

4. Research external resources: If the book itself does not provide sufficient information on how the disorder and treatment affected the family, you can search for critical essays, book reviews, or interviews with the author to gain further insights. These external resources may provide additional analysis or opinions on the impact of the disorder on the family.

Regarding Susanna's treatment, being in a mental facility is indeed a significant aspect. However, to provide a comprehensive overview of her treatment, you can consider including the following:

1. Therapy: Discuss any mention of therapy or counseling that Susanna undergoes in the book. Explore the type of therapy she receives, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior therapy, and how it is portrayed in the story.

2. Medication: Explore if and how medication is utilized as part of Susanna's treatment. Mention any instances where the book highlights the use of medication to manage her symptoms.

3. Psychiatric care: Discuss how Susanna's experiences in the mental facility impact her treatment. Explore how the structure, routines, and interactions within the facility contribute to her recovery or challenges.

4. Supportive interventions: Consider any other treatment approaches or interventions mentioned in the book that aim to support Susanna's recovery. These can include group therapy, creative therapies, or other alternative treatments.

Remember to refer back to the specifics and examples from the book to support your points about both the impact on the family and the treatment. Good luck with your review!