A kayaker travels x miles per hour downstream for 2 hours. On the 4-hour return trip, the kayaker travels 4 mile per hour slower. How far did the kayaker travel in total?

since distance=speed*time,

2x = 4(x-4)
x = 8

so, the distance is 2*8 = 16 miles each way

thats not funny?

To find the total distance traveled by the kayaker, we need to calculate the distance traveled downstream and the distance traveled on the return trip, and then add them together.

Let's start by calculating the distance traveled downstream. The kayaker travels at a speed of x miles per hour for 2 hours, so the distance traveled downstream is:

Distance downstream = Speed downstream x Time downstream

Since the kayaker travels at a speed of x miles per hour downstream for 2 hours, we have:

Distance downstream = x miles per hour x 2 hours
= 2x miles

Now, let's calculate the distance traveled on the return trip. The kayaker travels 4 miles per hour slower on the return trip, so the speed on the return trip is (x - 4) miles per hour. The time taken for the return trip is 4 hours. Therefore, the distance traveled on the return trip is:

Distance return trip = Speed return trip x Time return trip

Substituting the values, we have:

Distance return trip = (x - 4) miles per hour x 4 hours
= 4(x - 4) miles
= 4x - 16 miles

Finally, we can calculate the total distance traveled by adding the distance downstream and the distance on the return trip:

Total distance = Distance downstream + Distance return trip
= 2x + 4x - 16 miles
= 6x - 16 miles

So, the kayaker traveled a total distance of 6x - 16 miles.

A kayaker travels x miles per hour downstream for 3 hours. On the 4-hour return trip, the kayaker travels 1 mile per hour slower. How far did the kayaker travel in total?

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