Find the measurement of the first and third angles if the ratio of the three consecutive angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 1:2:3


4x =180
x =180÷4
x =45
First angle = 45
Third angle = 3×45
= 135

Let the first three angles be

x , 2x, and 3x

recall that in any cyclic quad , the opposite angles add up to 180°
So, wouldn't x and 3x be opposite angles ?

so ......

Let's assume the measurement of the first angle is x degrees.

Since the ratio of consecutive angles in a cyclic quadrilateral is 1:2:3, the second angle will be 2x degrees and the third angle will be 3x degrees.

The sum of the interior angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is always 360 degrees. Therefore, we can write the equation:

x + 2x + 3x = 360

Combining like terms, we get:

6x = 360

Dividing both sides by 6, we find:

x = 60

So, the measurement of the first angle is 60 degrees.

The second angle will be:

2x = 2 * 60 = 120 degrees.

And the third angle will be:

3x = 3 * 60 = 180 degrees.

Therefore, the measurement of the first angle is 60 degrees, and the third angle is 180 degrees.

To find the measurement of the first and third angles in a cyclic quadrilateral when the ratio of the three consecutive angles is 1:2:3, follow these steps:

1. Let's assume that the three consecutive angles have measurements x, 2x, and 3x.

2. In a cyclic quadrilateral, the sum of the opposite angles is 180 degrees. Therefore, the sum of the first and third angles (x + 3x) should equal 180 degrees.

3. Combining like terms, we have 4x = 180 degrees.

4. Divide both sides of the equation by 4: x = 45 degrees.

5. Now that we know x, we can find the measurements of the first and third angles:

- The first angle = x = 45 degrees.
- The third angle = 3x = 3 * 45 = 135 degrees.

So, the measurement of the first angle is 45 degrees, and the measurement of the third angle is 135 degrees.