What is 58,420 in simplest form (math question 6grade)

Do you mean 58/420?

And are you studying Jonas Salk? What does he have to do with fractions?

To simplify a number, we need to find its prime factors and then cancel out any common factors. Let's break down 58,420 to find its prime factors:

To start, we can divide 58,420 by 2, since it is an even number. Dividing, we get 29,210.

Next, let's divide 29,210 by 2 again. Dividing, we get 14,605.

Now, let's divide 14,605 by 5. Dividing, we get 2,921.

Lastly, let's divide 2,921 by 17. Dividing, we get 172.

Since 172 cannot be divided any further, we have found the prime factorization of 58,420:
58,420 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 17 × 17

To simplify this further, we need to cancel out any common factors. In this case, we have two 2's and two 17's that can be cancelled out.

Canceling out the common factors, we get:
58,420 = 2 × 17 × 17

So, 58,420 in its simplest form is 2 × 17 × 17.