An informative, abstract image that symbolises communication and preparation. Imagine a young student who could be of any gender and descent, standing in front of a mirror, practising a speech. The speech bubbles are empty to give emphasis on the act of speaking, but the content of this speech is up to the viewer's imagination. Then imagine a human body shadow having a distinct bright spot at its chest – symbolising the adrenaline rush. Have an abstract swirl or disturbance sign to represent stress.

you want to ask your teacher for extra help,so you practice in your mind what you will say. this is an example of ____.

A) eustress
B) distress
C) a stressor
D) a mental rehearsal
during the alarm stage of stress your body releeses a chmical called adrenaline which is part of ______.

A) eustress
B) the fight-or-flight response
C) a catastrophe
D) a mental rehearsal

any event or sisuation that causes stress is called a(n)

A) eustress
B) catastrophe
C) mental rehearsal
D) stressor

if you guessed


you are correct!(: 5/5 100%

Darrel is 100% correct like he said

The answers are:

1. A mental rehearsal
2. The flight-or-fight-response
3. Stressor
4. Guilt
5. Personality

thx darrel

thanks so much darrel!!!!!!!

Thank You Darrel! I got 100%! :D

Dear "Spread a little bit of love ❀" Why are you even here if you arent looking for the answers? You can carry your dum as s brain back to the test and fail. So stop spreading hate to the students who are trying to pass and not get in trouble. There really was no point of your ugly comment.

I got a 100% thank you darrel

Don’t lie Meeks

Aww, I feel bad for Ms. Sue, That's a really harsh thing to say to her. If I were to say that you suck, I'm sure you'd be feeling bad, and I bet friends would be here to back you up to make you feel good about yourself, so just don't say thing's that you know aren't true "Garlack"!! >:(

~Chez (Florida Connections Academy)

thx darrel

Darrel is right!!!

thanks a bunch!!!

Darrel is RIGHT if your in CONEXUS but I dunno about other schools. But anyways Thx Darrel!

Thanks darrel

I am a good student, I take in information and try my hardest on tests I don't have answers on, but I use these because it's fast and confirms answers for me. Fun fact, connections academy is a horrible school system, and every one saying "iM diSguSteD" or, "I caNT bEliEvE yoU GuYs," I don't care. If this school sucks I might as well get good grades and enjoy my life. I hope you guys get a life and understand what I'm saying in the future.

Thanks Darrel


trust me 100%

thx Darrel I got 100%

1. A mental rehearsal

2. The flight-or-fight-response
3. Stressor
4. Guilt
5. Personality
100% for Connexus
Credit goes to Uh

Thx Darrel I got a 100% also

Darrel is right 100%

what the hell did I just read about ms sue... that's kinda toxic to say

why are y'all so pressed this is literally for PE . "omg ur gonna fail college!!!!" dawg shut yo goofy goober lookin self up. it ain't that deep. why are you here in the first place anyways? to look for answers or just go on insulting other people? go outside bro

he got the answers off of you... FIVE years ago... when you were MAXIMUM of EIGHT YEARS OLD... ok.

Can you all just shut he hell up be grateful the answers are above

Thx Darrel you are correct btw answers:



these are the right answers!!!


these are the right answers 100% for Conexus :)

I don’t like admitting this but @smuf @spread bit of love @anonymus u guys made made cry because those are hurtful words. And why r u guys on here if this is a cheating website? (I do not think this is a cheating website) also why do u even care? Get a life and stop worrying abt other ppl’s lives because all ur doing is making them full of hate for themselves. People like u make me doubt my existence sometimes, but I’m over it because some people on this website are kind and help me forget people like u. Spread kindness not hatred plz. If u think our world is bad because of us, it’s because of u guys (the haters) that make us feel not important and then turn ourselves into feeling alone and spreading hate as we hate ourselves. Also thanks @nobody and @uh I got a 5/5!Thank you for reading this and I hope u have a blessed day :) God bless ~

You're welcome guys

I- They just- πŸ˜”

thxs darrel i got it right # 100!!!!!!!! yea


Thx Darrel

darrel is still correct in 2020

Also, anonymous, I would be here, the lowest grade I've gotten on a test in connexus is a B. I use this website to take advantage of my resources. All of you have been manipulated and brainwashed by blasphemy and ethics. In case you didn't know, as a studying psychologist, ethics are not ethical. Worry about yourself.


well that sucks for you meeks

Thanks, Darrel and Ms. Sue sucks

thx Darrel :)

Thank you so much Darell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!

thx darel

yep Darrel is correct i got 5/5 :D

Thank you Darrel!

Even as a student I don't think that cheating is the answer it makes me feel bad but I guess that will be students choices even if I am a student myself. Thank you for helping Ms. Sue

d b d c a is still right

Spread a bit a love is an idiot lmao

Miss sue i hope you catch chlamydia☺️

I'll be glad to check your answers.

Darrel is 100% correct

Thanks Darrel your the best and all of you guys too! Thanks ya'll and Darrel!

100% For connections academy

Goooooooooood job darrel i made 100% yippee sowwy I cray cray

Ms. Sue is a really nice helpful person. :D

Thanks to Ms. Sue and Darrel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Darrell! I really just wanted to make sure I got them right, so thanks a ton!


barely notice if you are trying to say some one is wrong than put the answers you think but darell is right

Darril is correct i got 100

for me, my quiz only gotz 4 questions so here da answers for tha:

1. D - a mental rehearsal
2. B - the flight-or-fight-response
3. D - stressor
4. A - personality

100% <3

For 2023 it’s now

1 (D)a mental rehearsal
2 (B)the flight-or-fight-response

Thanks! Got 100% because of Darrel :D

D, B, D, D, A works in 2022!

I go on here sometimes to check answers if I'm not sure. Thanks for the help guys!

thx darrel i got 100%

The drama is priceless XD and yes Darrel is correct if you were wondering.


have a good day :)

I love to see you all fail!! btw i had sex!!

Billy is correct if you are in connections academy

Cant wait till yall go to college

Shut up guys cause Darrel got the answers off of me so I deleted the answers but I'm going to re post them.


Guys, are you really that stupid you have to ask for help on Health? Its

this is super super easy so don't ask for help on Health or pay attention in class. These are basic questions that you don't even need to paying attention in class to answer. Have fun on your next big test when there are no answers for you (No hate <3)

you all make me sick you dirty cheaters

thank you Mrs.Sue:)

You're welcome.

:) they are right. i got 3/3!

People like you spend all of your time to help all of you cheaters! This is not a good thing to do. People Helping you cheat, is the reason why most of you are here! All of you are ruining society thinking of only your own grades, so you don't get in trouble! If you want help, JUST READ YOUR LESSONS OR LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR TEACHER SAYS! Most of you are getting an A instead of an F because you always go here to cheat! You would not be here if you DID YOUR LESSONS ON YOUR OWN! Just know that all of you would here fail if the internet was not a thing because society is just ran off Devices, SO DO YOUR WORK WITHOUT CHEATING!

All are right.

i got


No, she doesn't!!!! she spends all of her time to help all of you dirty brats cheat this is not right Se is the reason that this world has no fallen apart because of people like her unlike you guys ruining our society thinking of only yourself. If you want help, take it and don't be a jerk to the person who gave you an A instead of an F and because you know that all of you would fail if the4 internet was not a thing because this world is solely ran off f video games and junk food but all this world needs is a little love Garlack for example because this is not so find your self another cheat website to live off of brats,

p.s lots of love Ms.Sue and all the other teachers out there who put up with these brats β€πŸ˜Έβ€πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ˜πŸ˜βœ‹πŸ˜„πŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’š

Darrel is wrong!!!!! I got 2/5 because of him!!!!