Last week, Marcia played goalkeeper for her hockey team. She stopped 20 out of 30 shots on goalm . This week, marcia faced 36 shots. She stopped shots on goal in the same ratio as the previous week. How many shots did marcia stop?

would the answer be 24:36?


You're very welcome, Samantha! I'm delighted you're doing great in math. You go, Girl!! :-)

ms. sue and samatha are you guys here 8 years later?


marica stopped 24 shots

last week she stopped 2/3 of the shots. What is 2/3 of 36?

Cross multiply and solve for x.

20/30 : x/36

Or --
Since she stopped 2/3 of the shots one week, she must have stopped 2/3 of the shots the next week.

Your question asks how many shots did Marcia stop. You only need one number.

Right. She stopped 24 shots.

thanks Ms sue ur the best teacher ever! im for sure getting great in math this term! :D

lol ur so awesome!! im not so sure i did so well on my test last week though. i depended on u for all my homework, and for the test i had no help and i was frustrated. :(

I suggest that after this when you post a question, you also include what you think is the answer. Then we can check you and explain if necessary.

its just at school for questions i can't ask for help, im fine with homework and all because ur here to explain but i don't have anyone right by my side for the tests. On the math tests the questions are really weird and stuff that wasn't even in our textbooks.

The answer is 24/36

write in proportion
cross multiply

20/30 = x/36

cross multiply
30x = 20 * 36
30x = 720
x = 720/30
x = 24

If you want to do it this way :)