how to set up table to find answer for question jimmy wants to make $2.00 using dollars, half dollars and quarters. How many different ways can she make $2.00?

To find the number of different ways Jimmy can make $2.00 using dollars, half dollars, and quarters, you can create a table with rows representing the number of dollars, columns representing the number of half dollars, and the cells representing the number of quarters needed to make $2.00.

First, set up the table as follows:

| Dollars | Half Dollars | Quarters |
| 0 | 0 | ? |
| 0 | ? | ? |
| ? | ? | ? |

Now, let's start filling in the table row by row.

In the first row, where there are 0 dollars, there is no need for half dollars. So, the only option is to use quarters. We need to find the number of quarters that will add up to $2.00. Dividing $2.00 by the value of each quarter, which is $0.25, will give us the number of quarters we need.

$2.00 / $0.25 = 8 quarters needed.

So, in the first row, you can fill in:

| Dollars | Half Dollars | Quarters |
| 0 | 0 | 8 |

In the second row, where there are 0 dollars, you need to consider the number of half dollars. You can use the same formula to calculate the number of quarters needed, but this time for half dollars. Dividing $2.00 by the value of each half dollar, which is $0.50, will give us the number of half dollars we need.

$2.00 / $0.50 = 4 half dollars needed.

Again, in this row, we need to find the number of quarters needed. At this stage, when there are 4 half dollars, we have already accounted for $2.00, so no quarters are required.

So, in the second row, you can fill in:

| Dollars | Half Dollars | Quarters |
| 0 | 4 | 0 |

Finally, in the third row, where there are 1 dollar, you need to consider the number of half dollars and quarters needed. We need to divide $2.00 by both $1.00 and $0.50 to get the number of half dollars and quarters needed in this case.

$2.00 / $1.00 = 2 half dollars needed.
$2.00 / $0.50 = 4 quarters needed.

So, in the third row, you can fill in:

| Dollars | Half Dollars | Quarters |
| 1 | 2 | 4 |

Adding up the number of different ways Jimmy can make $2.00, we find that there are a total of 3 different ways using dollars, half dollars, and quarters:

1. 0 dollars, 0 half dollars, and 8 quarters
2. 0 dollars, 4 half dollars, and 0 quarters
3. 1 dollar, 2 half dollars, and 4 quarters

To set up a table for finding the answer to the question, you will need to list the different combinations of dollars, half dollars, and quarters that could be used to make $2.00.

Step 1: Start by listing all the possible dollar amounts in the leftmost column of the table. In this case, the dollars can be $0, $1, or $2.

Step 2: In the second column, list the possible number of half dollars that could be used. Since the maximum amount possible is $2.00, there can be 0, 1, or 2 half dollars.

Step 3: In the third column, list the possible number of quarters that could be used. The maximum amount possible is also $2.00, so there can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 quarters.

Step 4: Add up the values in each row to find the total amount of money in each combination. For example, if you have $1.00, 1 half dollar, and 4 quarters, the total amount would be $1.00 + $0.50 + $1.00 = $2.50.

Step 5: Look for the combinations that add up to exactly $2.00 in the total column. Count the number of different combinations and that will give you the answer to the question.

If you follow these steps, you should be able to set up a table and find all the different ways Jimmy can make $2.00 using dollars, half dollars, and quarters.