Hendrick want to enlarge a photo that is 4 inches wide and 6 inches tall the enlarged photo keep the same ratio how tall is the enlarged photo if it is 12 inches wide

4 times 3 is 12 so multiply 6 and 3.


To determine the height of the enlarged photo, we need to maintain the same ratio as the original photo.

The ratio of the original photo is 4 inches wide to 6 inches tall, which can be written as 4:6 or simplified as 2:3. This means that for every 2 units of width, there are 3 units of height.

Now, let's find out how tall the enlarged photo should be when its width is 12 inches.

Using the same ratio, we can set up a proportion:

Original width : Original height = Enlarged width : Enlarged height

Substituting the values into the proportion:

4 inches : 6 inches = 12 inches : Enlarged height

To solve for the unknown height, we can cross-multiply:

(4 inches) * (Enlarged height) = (12 inches) * (6 inches)

4 * Enlarged height = 12 * 6

4 * Enlarged height = 72

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for the height:

Enlarged height = 72 / 4

Enlarged height = 18

So, the height of the enlarged photo, while maintaining the same ratio, is 18 inches.

Hendrick wants to enlarge a photo that is 4 inches wide and 6 inches tall. The enlarged photo keeps the same ratio. How tall is the enlarged photo if it is 12 inches wide? :[ idk

2 inches tall

3 times as wide so 3 times as long

18 inches

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