Jerry started doing sit-ups every day. The first day he did 15 sit-ups. Every day after that he did 2 more sit-ups than he had done the previous day. Today Jerry did 33 sit-ups. Write an equation that could be solved to find the number of days Jerry has been doing sit-ups, not counting the first day.


n = (33-15)/2

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To find the number of days Jerry has been doing sit-ups, not counting the first day, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's denote the number of days Jerry has been doing sit-ups as "d".

According to the problem, Jerry did 15 sit-ups on the first day. So, if we consider the first day, the number of sit-ups he did on day "d" would be 15 + (d - 1) * 2, since he did 2 more sit-ups each day than the previous day.

Now, since we know that today Jerry did 33 sit-ups, we can set up the equation:

15 + (d - 1) * 2 = 33

To solve this equation, we can simplify it:

15 + 2(d - 1) = 33
15 + 2d - 2 = 33
2d + 13 = 33

Next, we can move 13 to the other side of the equation:

2d = 33 - 13
2d = 20

Finally, to solve for "d", we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

d = 20 / 2
d = 10

Therefore, by solving the equation, we find that Jerry has been doing sit-ups for 10 days, not counting the first day.

It is 4.764.190.582.637.654

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