Why did the English establish colonies in the Americas?


Because the king of England wanted them to explore new land.

They had a competition with France on who gets the most land.

They wanted to get away from the Church of England.

They wanted to spread their own religion.

They were also looking for natural resources/ways to make a profit.

Due to overcrowding of prisons in England, they were looking for places to send poor people who were in prison for not paying back debts
^^^^Those are some of the facts I have

So...I was wondering if I was right? This a short answer/essay and I want to make nice, long and neat :) so any good websites?

Yes, you have mentioned several reasons why the English established colonies in the Americas. Here is a more comprehensive and organized answer:

1. Economic Motives: The English sought to exploit the rich natural resources of the Americas and establish profitable trade networks. They hoped to find precious metals, such as gold and silver, and valuable resources like timber, furs, and fish.

2. Religious Freedom: Some English colonists, such as the Pilgrims and Puritans, sought religious freedom and wanted to escape religious persecution in England. They sought to establish societies where they could practice their own religious beliefs without interference.

3. Competition with Other European Powers: The English wanted to compete with other European powers, particularly France and Spain, in establishing colonies and expanding their global influence. Colonies would provide strategic locations for trade, military bases, and the projection of power.

4. Surplus Population and Social Issues: England faced issues such as poverty, overcrowding, and high levels of indebtedness. Establishing colonies provided an opportunity to relieve these problems by sending surplus population, including prisoners and indentured servants, to the New World.

5. Political and Nationalistic Motives: The English Crown used colonization as a way to extend its dominion and influence. They aimed to strengthen their political control over the New World territories and increase the wealth and status of England as a whole.

To find more information on this topic, you can explore reliable online resources such as:

1. History.com - Colonial America: https://www.history.com/topics/exploration/colonial-america
2. National Geographic - Colonization of America: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/colonization-america/
3. Khan Academy - English colonization of North America: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/precontact-and-early-colonization/english-colonies/a/english-colonization-of-north-america

Remember to check the credibility of the sources you use and cite them properly if necessary.

You are correct in mentioning some of the key reasons why the English established colonies in the Americas. To further support your answer and find more information for a longer and more detailed essay, you can use reputable websites and sources. Here are a few reliable sources that you can consult:

1. History.com: This website offers a wide range of articles and videos on various historical topics, including the colonization of the Americas by the English. You can start by searching for "English colonies in the Americas" on History.com and explore the related articles and resources.

2. National Geographic: The National Geographic website provides in-depth and well-researched articles on historical events. Search for "English colonization of the Americas" on the National Geographic website to find relevant information.

3. Britannica: Britannica is a trusted online encyclopedia that covers various subjects, including history. Look for "English colonization in the Americas" on the Britannica website to access comprehensive articles with citations and references.

4. Smithsonian National Museum of American History: The museum's website hosts a vast collection of online exhibits and articles, offering valuable insights into the history of the English colonies in the Americas. Searching for "English colonies" on their website should provide you with relevant information.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, cross-reference multiple sources, and cite your references properly to ensure the credibility and authenticity of your essay.