In driving from town A to town D, you pass through town B and then through town C. It is twice as far as from A to b as from B to C, and 10 miles more from C to D than from B to C. If it is 58 miles from A to D, how far is it from town A to C?

If BC is x, then

2x + x + x+10 = 58
x = 12
AC = AB+BC = 2x+x = 36

To solve this problem, we need to break it down and use equations to represent the given information. Let's assign variables to the distances between the towns:

Let x represent the distance from A to B.
Let y represent the distance from B to C.
Let z represent the distance from C to D.

According to the given information, we have the following relationships:

1. It is twice as far from A to B as from B to C: x = 2y
2. It is 10 miles more from C to D than from B to C: z = y + 10
3. The total distance from A to D is 58 miles: x + y + z = 58

Now, let's solve these equations to find the values of x, y, and z.

From the first equation (x = 2y), we can substitute 2y for x in the third equation:

2y + y + z = 58

Simplifying this equation, we get:

3y + z = 58

Next, we substitute (y + 10) for z in the above equation, using the second equation:

3y + y + 10 = 58

Combining like terms:

4y + 10 = 58

Subtracting 10 from both sides:

4y = 48

Dividing both sides by 4:

y = 12

Using this value of y, we can find x by substituting it in the first equation:

x = 2y
x = 2 * 12
x = 24

Now that we have the values of x and y, we can find z using the second equation:

z = y + 10
z = 12 + 10
z = 22

Therefore, the distance from town A to C is x + y:

Distance from A to C = x + y
= 24 + 12
= 36 miles

So, it is 36 miles from town A to C.