A flea 1/16 of an inch tall can jump 9 3/8 inches high. If a person five feet tall could jump like a flea, how high could she jump?

0.0625/9.375 = 5/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

900 feet

To determine how high a person who is five feet tall could jump if they could jump like a flea, we need to understand the proportion between the flea's height and its jumping ability.

Let's convert the measurements to a common denominator for easier calculations.

The flea is 1/16 inch tall and can jump 9 3/8 inches high.

Converting 1/16 inch to a common denominator of 8, we get 1/16 = 1/8 ÷ 2 = 1/8 inch.

Converting 9 3/8 inches to a common denominator of 8, we get 9 3/8 = 9 6/8 = 9 3/4 ÷ 2 = 9 3/8 inches.

Now we can find the ratio between the flea's height and its jumping ability: 1/8 inch (height) is to 9 3/8 inches (jumping ability).

Since the flea is 1/8 inch tall and can jump 9 3/8 inches high, we can write the ratio as 1/8 : 9 3/8.

Next, we need to find the ratio between the person's height (five feet) and the height they could jump.

Since one foot is equal to 12 inches, five feet is equal to 5 * 12 = 60 inches.

Using the ratio from the flea, we can set up a proportion: 1/8 : 9 3/8 = 60 : x, where x represents the height the person could jump.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply: (1/8) * x = (9 3/8) * 60.

Multiplying the fractions, (1/8) * x = (75/8) * 60.

Cancel out the common factor of 8, we get x = (75/1) * 60 = 4500 inches.

To convert inches to feet, we divide by 12: 4500 inches / 12 = 375 feet.

Therefore, if a person who is five feet tall could jump like a flea, they could jump approximately 375 feet high.
