Kim uses decals to decorate 5 cars and 2 bikes. she uses 2/3 of the decals on the cars and 2/5 of the remaining decals on the bikes. She has 6 decals left. How many decals does she use on each car?

2/3 of decals on 5 cars
2/5 of remaining on 2 bikes.
6 left over

Kim has X decals.

2x/3 on 5 cars.
Remaining = x - 2x/3 = 1x/3.

2/5 * 1x/3 = 2x/15 decals on 2 bikes.
Remaining = 6.

2x/3 + 2x/15 + 6 = X.
10x + 2x + 90 = 15x.
15x-12x = 90.
3x = 90.
X = 30 = Total decals.

2x/3 = 60/3 = 20 Decals on 5 cars.
20decals/5cars = 4 decals/car.

YoU NeEd To cHaNgE yOuR DiApEr!!!!!!!

To find out how many decals Kim used on each car, let's break down the information step by step.

First, Kim used 2/3 of the decals on the cars. Since 2/3 is a fraction of the total decals used on the cars, let's assume that the total number of decals used on the cars is represented by the fraction 2/3.

So, if 2/3 of the decals were used on the cars, this means that the remaining 1/3 of the decals were not used on the cars. Let's represent the total number of decals as "x".

Using this information, we can set up an equation:
(1/3)x = 6

Next, let's solve the equation for "x" to find out the total number of decals:
Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to get rid of the fraction:
x = 6 * 3
x = 18

Therefore, the total number of decals used on the cars is 18.

Now, let's find out how many decals Kim used on each car. Since Kim used 2/3 of the decals on the cars, the number of decals used on each car can be calculated by dividing the total number of decals used on the cars (18) by the number of cars (5):

Number of decals used on each car = 18/5 = 3.6

Since we can't have a fraction of a decal, we can conclude that Kim used 3 decals on each car.

You need to show this in Fraction and Decimal form