What is an essential element of RtI implementation?

A. Instruction that is matched to standardized developmental expectations of students

B. Systematic instruction with substantial opportunities for practice in small groups without frequent monitoring

C. Frequent, systematic assessment of results to inform decisions

D. The use of teacher observation to decide the next steps in a child’s learning process

I think its B

What is "Rtl"?

To determine the essential element of Response to Intervention (RtI) implementation, let's analyze each option:

A. Instruction that is matched to standardized developmental expectations of students:
Standardized developmental expectations are useful for setting benchmarks and goals. However, this statement alone does not encompass the comprehensive approach of RtI.

B. Systematic instruction with substantial opportunities for practice in small groups without frequent monitoring:
This option focuses on instruction and practice in small groups but lacks an essential element of RtI, which is frequent monitoring. Regular assessment and monitoring of student progress are crucial in RtI.

C. Frequent, systematic assessment of results to inform decisions:
This option emphasizes the importance of frequent and systematic assessments to inform decision-making. In RtI, ongoing assessment allows educators to gauge student progress and make informed decisions about instructional strategies and interventions.

D. The use of teacher observation to decide the next steps in a child’s learning process:
Teacher observation is a valuable tool, but it alone might not be sufficient for making decisions in the RtI process. Multiple data sources, such as assessments, are necessary for a comprehensive approach.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is C. Frequent, systematic assessment of results to inform decisions. This element is essential for effective RtI implementation, as it allows educators to continuously evaluate student progress and make data-driven decisions.