Where can i find information on the legacy of World War One?

Mainly i'm lookin for The American Entrance, The Russian Exit, and The armistice.


Several sections are interesting here, including the one (scroll down) called Making Peace.


To find information on the legacy of World War One, including the American entrance, the Russian exit, and the armistice, you can visit the website http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwone/.

Once on the website, scroll down to find the section called "Making Peace," which covers the armistice and its aftermath. This section will provide you with information on the negotiations that led to the end of the war and the signing of the armistice.

Additionally, the website contains a wealth of other resources and articles that cover various aspects of World War One, including the American entrance and the Russian exit. Feel free to explore the website further to gather more detailed information on these specific topics.

Remember, websites like this can be a great starting point to learn about a subject, but it's always a good idea to cross-reference information and consult multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding.