Identify some of the benefits of agriculture to ancient Egyptian society.

Please help I need you to list 2 or more benefits of agriculture egyptian society and I need a one sentence explanation why it is a benefit

How do YOU benefit from agriculture?

Sure! Here are two benefits of agriculture to ancient Egyptian society:

1. Food Security: Agriculture provided a stable and abundant food supply for the ancient Egyptians, ensuring their survival and preventing starvation.
- Explanation: Agriculture allowed the Egyptians to grow a variety of crops, such as wheat, barley, and flax, which provided a reliable source of sustenance and minimized the risk of food shortages.

2. Economic Stability: Agriculture served as the backbone of the ancient Egyptian economy, providing employment opportunities and a basis for trade.
- Explanation: By cultivating crops and domesticating animals, the Egyptians developed a surplus of resources that could be traded with neighboring civilizations, fostering economic growth and stability.