Appellate courts may rule without ever hearing an oral arguement?

True or False ?


No. The ruling may be based on briefs only, along with a review of the original case.

ahh so it's true, thank you(:


Appellate courts may indeed rule without ever hearing an oral argument. While oral arguments are often conducted in appellate courts, they are not always required. In some cases, the appellate court may issue a ruling based solely on the written briefs submitted by the parties, without the need for a formal oral argument. This generally occurs when the court, after reviewing the briefs and the record of the lower court, is confident in its understanding of the case and believes that an oral argument would not significantly contribute to the decision-making process. However, it is important to note that oral arguments can provide an opportunity for the parties to present their case in person and answer any questions from the judges, which can sometimes have an impact on the court's decision.