Why would pesticide levels be higher in the Bay of Fundy then they would in the Atlantic ocean?

Don't about 13 rivers empty into the BAy of Fundy?

No, only the Atlantic Ocean does. But I was thinking since the bay of fundy is so small that it is easier for the pesticide to be passed around?

it doesn't get enough tidal flushing?

Pesticide levels in the Bay of Fundy may be higher compared to the Atlantic Ocean due to several factors:

1. Watershed characteristics: The Bay of Fundy is surrounded by a large watershed area where agricultural activities, such as crop cultivation, take place. Pesticides used in agriculture may enter rivers and streams, eventually flowing into the bay. In contrast, the Atlantic Ocean has a much larger and more open ecosystem, with comparatively fewer direct sources of pesticide influx.

2. Water circulation and retention: The Bay of Fundy has unique hydrological conditions that result in high water movement and tidal actions. These processes, combined with the shape and topography of the bay, contribute to the retention of water and the accumulation of pollutants, including pesticides. The Atlantic Ocean, on the other hand, benefits from broader water circulation patterns and extensive mixing, which tends to dilute and disperse contaminants over larger areas.

3. Proximity to pollution sources: The Bay of Fundy has a higher likelihood of being influenced by local pollution sources compared to the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. The bay is more susceptible to receiving pesticide runoff from nearby agricultural lands, industrial activities, and urban areas, which can contribute to higher pesticide levels.

To determine specific pesticide levels in these areas, comprehensive scientific monitoring and analysis are typically conducted. Environmental agencies, research institutions, and governmental bodies monitor water samples from different locations within the bay and the Atlantic Ocean, analyzing them for pesticide residues. These measurements can provide accurate data on pesticide concentrations and help identify potential contamination sources.