Use the digits 22468 find the number less than 70000 which has the same units and hundreds digit its thousands digit double its units digit

Is the number 46282

Is 6 double 2?

I think you want


To find the number less than 70000 that meets the given conditions, we need to analyze the given digits 2, 2, 4, 6, and 8.

First, we know that the number has to be less than 70000. This means the thousands digit must be less than 7.

Next, we are given that the units and hundreds digit are the same. So, let's start with the possibilities for the units and hundreds digit:

- If the units and hundreds digit is 2, the thousands digit must be double the units digit, which would be 4. Therefore, the number would be 4222, which is less than 70000.

- If the units and hundreds digit is 4, the thousands digit must be double the units digit, which would be 8. Therefore, the number would be 8444, which is also less than 70000.

In both cases, the given digits can form a number less than 70000 that meets the given conditions. However, neither option matches the number you provided (46282).

So, based on the given conditions and the analysis of the digits, the number you suggested (46282) does not fit the criteria.