-2(18+19)8th x 19 +18 divided by 9 seventh power x 6

To simplify the given expression:

Step 1: Evaluate the expressions within parentheses. Begin by calculating the sum within the parentheses: 18 + 19 = 37.
Step 2: Apply the negative sign outside the parentheses to the sum: -2(37).
Step 3: Multiply the negative sign (-2) with 37: -2 * 37 = -74.
Step 4: Multiply the result by 8: -74 * 8 = -592.
Step 5: Calculate 18 divided by 9: 18 / 9 = 2.
Step 6: Find the seventh power of 2 by multiplying it by itself six times: 2^7 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 128.
Step 7: Multiply the result (128) with 6: 128 * 6 = 768.

Therefore, the simplified expression is -592 + 768. Further computations may be performed to find the final result.