What does John Lennon fear. It's for a Bio Poem


Use Ctrl + F and type in fear and then click on Next.


To determine what John Lennon feared for your Bio Poem, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the link provided: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lennon
2. On the Wikipedia page, press Ctrl + F to open the search function.
3. In the search box that appears, type in the word "fear" and press Enter.
4. The search function will highlight the first instance of the word "fear" on the page.
5. To find additional instances, click on "Next" in the search bar.
6. Continue clicking on "Next" until you find a relevant mention of John Lennon's fears.
7. Consult the information provided in that section to determine what John Lennon feared.
8. Use this information to create a line or stanza in your Bio Poem that expresses his fears.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the information you need to complete your Bio Poem about John Lennon's fears.