Moonglow Resturant's income for 1 week is $2900.

If meals average $6, how many meals were served during the week?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you say "income" you do not say if it is gross (all proceeds) or net (after the expenses are deducted.) Try dividing $2900 by 6 to see what you get.


thanks for helping...but i had did the same thing but i m not sure......the answer comes 483.333 is that th exact answer. plz answer me...plz

There is a fraction, but since it's less than 50% you probably would just say about 483.


Thank u so much

To determine the number of meals served, you can divide the total income by the average price per meal. In this case, the total income of Moonglow Restaurant for one week is $2900, and the average price per meal is $6. So, to find the number of meals served, you can use the formula:

Number of meals = Total income / Average price per meal

Plugging in the given values:

Number of meals = $2900 / $6

Number of meals = 483.33 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, Moonglow Restaurant served approximately 483 meals during the week.