259.689 the 9 in the ones place _____

the value of 9 in the thousandths place

Yes, the 9 in 259 is in the ones place, while the 9 in the .689 is in the thousandths place.

The value of the 9 in the thousandths place is Response area the value of the 9 in the tenths place.

In the number 16.909, how does the value of the 9 in the thousandths place compare to the value of the 9 in the tenths place?

Drag and drop a fraction into the box to correctly complete the statement.

The value of the 9 in the thousandths place is Response area the value of the 9 in the tenths place.

To determine the value of the digit 9 in the ones place, you simply look at the digit itself, which is 9. Therefore, the value of 9 in the ones place is 9.

To determine the value of the digit 9 in the thousandths place, you need to understand the place value system. In the decimal system, each place value is ten times greater than the one to its right. Starting from the rightmost place, which is the ones place, we have the tenths place, hundredths place, and thousandths place.

In the number 259.689, the digit 9 is in the thousandths place. This means that its value is equal to 9 divided by 1000, since each place to the right is one-tenth of the place to its left. Therefore, the value of 9 in the thousandths place is 0.009.