Ronnie was 6 times as old as jhon 6 years ago. Four years from now ronnie will be 4 times as old as jhon. How old is jhon now?

r-6 = 6(j-6)

r+4 = 4(j+4)

Now just solve for r and j.


To solve this problem, let's first assign variables to represent the ages of Ronnie and John.

Let's say the current age of John is "x".
Therefore, the current age of Ronnie is "6x" since Ronnie is stated to be 6 times older than John.

Now, let's calculate their ages 6 years ago:
John's age 6 years ago = x - 6
Ronnie's age 6 years ago = 6x - 6

According to the information given, Ronnie was 6 times as old as John 6 years ago:
6x - 6 = 6 * (x - 6)
Now, let's simplify the equation:

6x - 6 = 6x - 36

We can see that the x term cancels out, so we're left with:

-6 = -36

This equation does not have a solution, meaning there might be an error in the given information or the problem doesn't have a feasible solution.

Please double-check the problem or provide additional information if available.