why did the earliest attempts of the English to colonize america fail



I didn't look at those references, but as I recall, disease played an important part. You may want to explore that

The earliest attempts of the English to colonize America failed for several reasons. One major factor was the lack of preparedness and understanding of the new environment. Here's how you can explore this topic further:

1. Limited Resources: The early English colonies were established with limited resources and supplies. The settlers faced challenges in obtaining food and other necessities, leading to hunger, malnutrition, and disease. You can research specific examples such as the Lost Colony of Roanoke in 1587.

2. Conflict with Native Americans: The English settlers often clashed with Native American tribes. Misunderstandings, cultural differences, and competition for resources led to frequent conflicts that strained the colonies' ability to establish themselves securely. The Powhatan Wars in Jamestown, Virginia, serve as one example.

3. Lack of Leadership: The early English colonies suffered from inadequate leadership and organization. Some leaders were ill-suited for the task, lacked experience, or had conflicting goals. This led to internal divisions, mismanagement, and social unrest, deteriorating the colonies' prospects for success.

4. Harsh Environment: The English encountered harsh and unfamiliar environments in America. They had to deal with extreme weather, unfamiliar diseases, and challenging geography, such as dense forests or swampy terrain. These factors made survival and establishing sustainable colonies difficult.

By delving into these issues, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of why the earliest English attempts to colonize America failed.