Evan uses some of his comic-book money to buy a magazine for $4. If Evan uncle gave him $30. What fraction of his money did he spend on the magazine?

4/30 = 2/15

Why was this a question

To find the fraction of Evan's money that he spent on the magazine, we first need to determine how much money Evan initially had.

We are told that Evan's uncle gave him $30. Let's denote this amount as "X."

Then, we are told that Evan used some of his comic-book money to buy the magazine for $4.

To determine Evan's total money before he spent any on the magazine, we need to calculate X + $4 (the magazine cost).

Once we have the total amount of money Evan had, we can calculate the fraction spent on the magazine by dividing $4 (the magazine cost) by the total amount of money Evan had.

Please provide the value of X (the amount Evan's uncle gave) to continue the calculation.

It's 69

Yes that was my last home work question ty

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