how would the presence of a white solid in a solution effect the solution's absorbance? it made its absorbance higher, but i'm not too sure why

You don't understand why placing an opaque substance in the solution cuts down on the light getting through?

Look at a light. Now place your hand in front of your eyes. Can you see the light? Why not? Because your hand is in the way; i.e., it absorbs all of the light before it gets to your eyes.

Of course since it is white it could be reflecting some light also.

When a white solid is present in a solution, it can affect the solution's absorbance depending on certain factors. Absorbance refers to the amount of light absorbed by a substance in a solution, and it is commonly measured using a spectrophotometer.

Here are a few reasons why the presence of a white solid can increase the absorbance of a solution:

1. Scattering of light: White solids often have a large particle size, which can scatter light in all directions. This scattering phenomenon can increase the path length that light travels through the solution, resulting in higher absorbance readings. Essentially, more light is absorbed or deflected by the solid particles in the solution, leading to an increase in absorbance.

2. Absorption by the solid particles: White solids may also have their own inherent color or the ability to absorb certain wavelengths of light. If this is the case, the solid particles can absorb light in addition to any other absorbing species present in the solution. As a result, the absorbance of the solution increases because both the solid particles and the other absorbing species contribute to the total absorbed light.

3. Reflection and scattering at solid-liquid interfaces: When white solid particles are in contact with the liquid solution, light can undergo reflection and scattering at the boundaries between the solid and liquid phases. This reflection and scattering can make more light interact with the solution, leading to higher absorbance values.

It is important to note that the specific nature of the white solid and its concentration in the solution will determine the extent to which absorbance is affected. To accurately understand how a particular white solid influences the absorbance of a solution, it is recommended to perform controlled experiments and measure the resulting absorbance values.