Jermaine loves applying his Learning Pattern knowledge to his relationship with his family members at home. At the kitchen table, ______ discuss how they would approach the task of remodeling the guest bathroom.

a. he and his wife
b. his wife and him
c. his wife and himself

I'll be glad to check what you think.

a. he and his wife

He and his wife

To determine the correct answer, let's look at the sentence structure and the pronoun usage.

In this sentence, "Jermaine" is the subject, and the verb phrase "loves applying" describes what he does. The phrase "his Learning Pattern knowledge" tells us what Jermaine applies.

The next part of the sentence says, "to his relationship with his family members at home." This indicates that Jermaine applies his Learning Pattern knowledge to his relationship with his family members.

Finally, the sentence continues, "At the kitchen table," indicating where the action takes place. The sentence then asks who discusses how to approach the task of remodeling the guest bathroom.

Now, let's analyze the pronoun usage. Based on the sentence, it is clear that Jermaine is one of the family members involved in the discussion. Since the pronoun "he" is used to refer to Jermaine, it would be grammatically correct to use another subjective pronoun to refer to his wife. Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. he and his wife

So, at the kitchen table, Jermaine and his wife discuss how they would approach the task of remodeling the guest bathroom.