Animation has changed from each scene cell being drawn by hand to entire worlds being created on a computer. This is a goo example of

the evolution of animation technology. Previously, animation involved drawing each frame or "cell" by hand, resulting in a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. However, with the advancements in computer technology, animators now have the capability to create entire animated worlds digitally. This shift from hand-drawn animation to computer-generated animation is a testament to the progress in technology and the increased efficiency it brings to the creative process.

To further understand this evolution, consider the following steps:

1. Traditional Animation: In traditional animation, each frame is individually drawn on a cell or piece of transparent paper. These hand-drawn frames are then photographed, one after another, and played at a rapid pace to create the illusion of movement.

2. Computer-Assisted Animation: As technology advanced, computer software started to be used in the animation process. Drawing tablets and software like Adobe Animate allowed animators to draw directly into the computer, eliminating the need for physical cells. This computer-assisted approach still relied on frame-by-frame animation techniques but offered tools for digital editing and manipulation.

3. Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI): The real breakthrough occurred with the advent of computer-generated imagery. Instead of drawing each frame individually, entire scenes could now be created and manipulated within a computer. This technique uses three-dimensional modeling software to build virtual environments, characters, and objects. Animators can control these digital assets and create realistic movement and lighting effects.

With CGI, animators can focus on designing characters and movements in a virtual space, allowing for greater creative freedom and flexibility. The process includes creating wireframe models, applying textures, defining movement through keyframe animation or motion capture, and rendering the final frames.

Overall, the transition from hand-drawn animation to computer-generated animation has revolutionized the industry. It has not only reduced the production time but has also opened up possibilities for creating visually stunning and immersive animated worlds.

The artist used all of the following to show proportion in this image except

Are these your choices?

A. innovation
B. aesthetics
C. expression
D. creativity

What is your answer?

anyone have all 3 of the answers ?