toilet .05 min to fill 1.5 gal to fill

w mach 5.3 min 1.7 gal
tub 6.3 min 20 gal
sink 1.4 min 5.0 gal

which has the fastest fill rate

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To determine which of the given options has the fastest fill rate, we need to calculate the rate at which each option fills.

We can calculate the fill rate by dividing the amount filled by the time taken. The fill rate will be in units of gallons per minute (gal/min).

Fill rate for the toilet:
Fill Time = 0.05 minutes
Fill Amount = 1.5 gallons
To calculate the fill rate for the toilet, we can divide the fill amount by the fill time:
Fill Rate = Fill Amount / Fill Time = 1.5 gal / 0.05 min = 30 gal/min

Fill rate for the washing machine:
Fill Time = 5.3 minutes
Fill Amount = 1.7 gallons
Fill Rate = Fill Amount / Fill Time = 1.7 gal / 5.3 min ≈ 0.32 gal/min

Fill rate for the tub:
Fill Time = 6.3 minutes
Fill Amount = 20 gallons
Fill Rate = Fill Amount / Fill Time = 20 gal / 6.3 min ≈ 3.17 gal/min

Fill rate for the sink:
Fill Time = 1.4 minutes
Fill Amount = 5.0 gallons
Fill Rate = Fill Amount / Fill Time = 5.0 gal / 1.4 min ≈ 3.57 gal/min

Comparing the fill rates of the options:
Toilet: 30 gal/min
Washing Machine: 0.32 gal/min
Tub: 3.17 gal/min
Sink: 3.57 gal/min

From the calculations, we can see that the toilet has the fastest fill rate at 30 gallons per minute (gal/min).