Why are words written in italic even though they are formal English?

Some words are written in italics if they are the titles of books, newspapers, artwork ...


There are other uses; please read that webpage carefully.

Words written in italic or italics in formal English are used for several reasons. Italicized words or phrases can indicate emphasis, highlight titles of books, articles, or films, introduce new terms or foreign words, and set off words or phrases in a different way from the surrounding text.

The purpose of using italicized words in formal English is to draw attention to them and make them stand out from the rest of the text. This helps to convey the intended meaning more effectively and provide clarity to the reader.

To properly use italics in formal English writing, you can follow these guidelines:

1. Emphasis: When you want to emphasize a word or phrase for added impact, you can italicize it. However, it's important not to overuse italics, as this can diminish their effect.

Incorrect: I ate a *huge* cake yesterday.
Correct: I ate a huge cake yesterday.

2. Titles: Use italics to denote titles of books, magazines, newspapers, films, plays, poems, and other long works. Do not use quotation marks for titles unless it is a shorter work within a larger work.

Incorrect: I recently read the article "The Importance of Reading".
Correct: I recently read the article The Importance of Reading.

3. New Terms or Foreign Words: When introducing new terms or foreign words that may not be familiar to the reader, italicize them to indicate their distinctiveness.

Incorrect: The Spanish word for "table" is mesa.
Correct: The Spanish word for table is mesa.

4. Set Off Words or Phrases: Italics can be used to set off words or phrases from the surrounding text, providing emphasis or differentiation.

Incorrect: The term hypothesis is commonly used in research.
Correct: The term hypothesis is commonly used in research.

Overall, the use of italics in formal English writing serves as a tool to enhance communication and clarity. It is important to use them appropriately and sparingly, following the conventions and guidelines of formal writing style.