are volcanoes and mountain belts found in every country or continent? why? or why not?

Wherever the tectonic plates meet, they are likely. Does this happen in all countries?

some countries

Volcanoes and mountain belts are not found in every country or continent. The distribution of volcanoes and mountain belts is determined by the forces that shape the Earth's surface. Here's why:

1. Plate Tectonics: Volcanoes and mountain belts form primarily due to the movement and interaction of tectonic plates, which are large pieces of the Earth's crust. When plates converge (or collide), mountains are commonly formed. This happens along the boundaries of the major tectonic plates, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, which encircles the Pacific Ocean and is known for its numerous volcanic and mountainous zones. Therefore, countries or regions located near plate boundaries are more likely to have volcanoes and mountain belts.

2. Geographical Location: Geographic location plays a significant role in the presence of volcanoes and mountain belts. For example, countries located on the Ring of Fire or on other active plate boundaries, like Japan, Chile, and Indonesia, are known for their volcanic and mountainous landscapes. Similarly, regions near major fault lines, like the Himalayas in Asia, experience significant mountain building due to the ongoing collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates.

3. Geological History: The geological history of a region also influences the presence or absence of volcanoes and mountain belts. For instance, regions that have experienced volcanic activity in the past may still have remnants of volcanic features, while regions that have not been subjected to tectonic forces or volcanic activity may lack visible evidence of volcanoes or mountains.

In summary, the distribution of volcanoes and mountain belts is primarily determined by the tectonic activity, geographical location, and geological history of a region. These factors vary worldwide, leading to diverse patterns of volcanic and mountainous regions across different countries and continents.

Yes they are found in every sphere of the world because they are very firmly holding the earth and prevent it from rotating too fast so God has put them everywhere even in oceans and other planets
