In a command economy, who issues "commands" regarding the three basic economic choices?

Question 1 options:

Business leaders



All of the above

What is your answer? What do your text materials say?

I don't have a textbook since I'm taking this class online but I have a powerpoint and I think is government is it right?

You also have search engines!

Read, read, read.

Business leaders

Did Dori bother to read any of the search results?

All of the above

In a command economy, the entity that issues "commands" regarding the three basic economic choices is the government.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the characteristics of a command economy. A command economy, also known as a centrally planned economy, is an economic system where the government has significant control over the allocation of resources and the decisions related to production and consumption. In this type of economy, the government dictates what goods and services should be produced, how they should be produced, and who should receive them.

Given this definition, it is clear that the government in a command economy is the entity responsible for issuing "commands" regarding the three basic economic choices: what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is "Government."