What are some scientific breakthroughs of the Age of Realism and what new ideas undermined Enlightened ideas?

Age of Realism:


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During the Age of Realism, there were several scientific breakthroughs that had significant impact on various fields. Here are a few examples:

1. Theory of Evolution: Charles Darwin's publication of "On the Origin of Species" in 1859 introduced the concept of natural selection and revolutionized our understanding of the diversity of life on Earth.

To learn about the Theory of Evolution, you can start by researching the works of Charles Darwin and his observations during the voyage of HMS Beagle. You can also explore the concepts of natural selection, adaptation, and genetic variation.

2. Germ Theory of Disease: Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch independently proposed the germ theory of disease in the mid-19th century. They demonstrated that microorganisms, such as bacteria, could cause diseases and provided evidence for the importance of hygiene and sanitation in preventing infections.

To explore the germ theory of disease, you can research the experiments conducted by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Study their work on specific diseases like anthrax and tuberculosis, and how they developed methods of sterilization and vaccination.

3. Electromagnetic Waves: James Clerk Maxwell's formulation of the theory of electromagnetism in the 1860s laid the foundation for modern physics and paved the way for technologies such as radio, television, and telecommunications.

To understand Maxwell's theory, you can delve into his equations, which describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. Study how these equations unified previous theories of electricity and magnetism, and how they predict the existence of electromagnetic waves.

As for the new ideas that undermined Enlightenment ideals during the Age of Realism, there were several factors:

1. Skepticism towards Reason: Realism challenged the notion that reason alone was sufficient to understand and explain the world. Scientific discoveries like those mentioned above showed that empirical evidence and observation were crucial in formulating knowledge, undermining the belief in pure reason.

2. Critique of Progress: Realists questioned the idea that society was constantly progressing towards perfection. The harsh realities of industrialization, social inequality, and political unrest led to a more pessimistic view of human nature and social development.

3. Influence of Social Sciences: The emergence of social sciences, such as sociology and psychology, during the Age of Realism shifted focus from abstract theories to the study of human behavior and society. This shift undermined the belief in universal, rational principles governing human affairs.

To understand these ideas, you can research the philosophical works of realist thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx. Study their critiques of Enlightenment ideals and their exploration of human psychology, society, and culture.