What would be an example of moral reason and non-moral reason of how goverment employees are expected to pubicly express only those views that are consistent with the policies of the goverment?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. If you belong to a part and/or represent the government, it is expected you will go along with their "line." If you believe it is wrong, it would not be moral to agree then.


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An example of a moral reason for why government employees are expected to publicly express only those views that are consistent with the policies of the government is the principle of loyalty. Government employees are expected to demonstrate loyalty to the government and promote its policies because they are entrusted with representing the interests of the government and its constituents. This ensures a cohesive and unified approach in the implementation of government policies.

On the other hand, a non-moral reason for this expectation is the need for efficiency and effectiveness in governance. By publicly expressing views consistent with the government's policies, government employees help to maintain a consistent and coherent public message. This eliminates confusion and potential contradictions that may arise from differing public statements by government officials, thus promoting efficiency and effective governance.

To derive these reasons, one can analyze the purpose and goals of government employment. Understanding the principles of loyalty and efficient governance can provide insight into why government employees are expected to publicly express views consistent with government policies. Additionally, examining the potential consequences of not adhering to this expectation — such as public confusion or a breakdown in cooperative governance — can further reinforce the reasons behind it.