How can using biomass fuels instead of gasoline in car engines help conserve natural resources?

a. I makes cars run faster.
b. It burns more fossil fuels.
c. It reduces the use of coal.<----
d. It uses a renewable resource.

I think it uses a renewable source

Cars do not use coal as fuel.

So what is the answer???

The correct answer is c. Using biomass fuels instead of gasoline in car engines can help conserve natural resources because it reduces the use of coal.

To understand why, let's break down the options:

a. It makes cars run faster: This option doesn't relate to conserving natural resources. It talks about the performance of cars, not resource conservation.

b. It burns more fossil fuels: This option suggests that using biomass fuels burns more fossil fuels, which is incorrect. Biomass fuels are derived from organic sources, such as plant and animal waste, and do not contribute to the burning of additional fossil fuels.

c. It reduces the use of coal: This option is correct. Biomass fuels are considered renewable resources because they come from organic matter that is readily available, such as agricultural waste or wood pellets. By using biomass fuels in car engines, we decrease our reliance on coal, a fossil fuel that is not renewable and contributes to environmental pollution and climate change.

d. It uses a renewable resource: This option is somewhat related, but it doesn't specifically address how using biomass fuels instead of gasoline helps conserve natural resources. While biomass fuels are indeed renewable resources, the key aspect is that they reduce the use of coal.

To sum up, using biomass fuels instead of gasoline in car engines helps conserve natural resources by reducing the reliance on non-renewable resources like coal.