1.Which of the following is used when political candidate highlights his or her experience in finance as the basis of a plan for economic recovery?


2. Identify the sentence that most strongly relies on emotional language.
A. It took a lot of work, but we finally got the job done.
B. With hard work and dedication, we got the job done.*****
C. We had to move heaven and Earth to get the job done.
D. To get the job done, we had to make a concentrated effort.

Answers marked with **** - thank you

I agree with you on C for 2.

Really - I thought about pathos...I did... but I wasn't sure because the are talking economic recovery...I know that can be an emotional subject but I just wasn't sure.

Thank you :)

ooops- I read your answer wrong writeacher...my mistake I thought B was emotional because of "dedication"- to me anything you are dedicated to can be emotional

I was torn for #2 between B and C

So which did you choose for #2?

Well if you feel B is incorrect I would choose C... right?

okay great - Writeacher thank you so much for all your help...do you know the stories "The Swimming Contest" or "The Tall Woman and Her Short Husband"?? Just wanted to check a few.?

Oh and I have it bookmarked now... thanks :)

No, sorry. I've never read those stories.

okay thank you and have a great day!!

You're welcome!

You, too!!

1. I agree.

2. B is emotional?

Do you have this website bookmarked?


If not, be sure you do so. Study it whenever you are unsure about these kinds of questions.