Write an expression to describe a rule for the sequence. Then find the 100th term in the sequence. 3,10,17,24,31,38...

A. n+7;707
B. 7n;700
C. 7n-4;696
D. 6n-4;596

when n=1, x=3

when n=2, x=10

looks like 7n-4 to me

@bobpursley already assisted you in this question. They are correct: The rule is 7n-4. You can't expect for them to follow up the assistance with a full list of answers for the entire test. If you need to, use Mathway, or some other website to calculate the answers.

is this the answer

What’s the answer?


To find the rule for the sequence, we need to analyze the pattern. In this sequence, each term increases by 7. We can see that each term is obtained by adding 7 to the previous term.

So, the expression to describe the rule for the sequence is n + 7.

To find the 100th term in the sequence, we substitute n = 100 into the expression:

100 + 7 = 107

Therefore, the 100th term in the sequence is 107.

None of the given options A, B, C, or D matches the correct expression for the rule of the sequence, and none of them corresponds to the correct value for the 100th term.

Therefore, none of the given options is correct.

What’s the answer?