how can you use compatible number to estimate 14675 divided by 7 so that the estimate is greater that the actual quotient? how can you use compatible numbers so the estimate is less that the actual quotient.

15000/7 = ?

14000/7 = ?



360 dived by 8 equale ?

To estimate a division problem using compatible numbers, you can round the dividend, divisor, or both to numbers that are easier to work with. To estimate a division quotient greater than the actual, you can round the dividend up and/or the divisor down. To estimate a division quotient less than the actual, you can round the dividend down and/or the divisor up.

For example, let's use compatible numbers to estimate 14675 divided by 7:

1. To estimate a quotient greater than the actual, you can round the dividend up and/or the divisor down.
- Round the dividend up: Instead of using 14675, round it up to the nearest compatible number, such as 15000.
- Round the divisor down: Instead of using 7, round it down to the nearest compatible number, such as 5.
- Now, divide the rounded numbers: 15000 divided by 5 is equal to 3000. This is an estimate that is greater than the actual quotient.

2. To estimate a quotient less than the actual, you can round the dividend down and/or the divisor up.
- Round the dividend down: Instead of using 14675, round it down to the nearest compatible number, such as 10000.
- Round the divisor up: Instead of using 7, round it up to the nearest compatible number, such as 10.
- Now, divide the rounded numbers: 10000 divided by 10 is equal to 1000. This is an estimate that is less than the actual quotient.

By using compatible numbers, you can easily adjust the dividend and divisor to get estimates that are higher or lower than the actual quotient.