In the following sentence, what word does the participle phrase modify?

Everyone in the annex heard her screaming loudly

Which sentence contains are participle phrase?
-She wants so spend time writing.
-Her job is giving the attic dwellers their food.
-Quickly snatching up the coat, she ran to her room.**
-To get along well requires cooperation.

Which sentence contains an infinitive phrase?
-Anne passed the time by sharing her dreams.
-Anne wants to live in Paris.
-Her favorite activity was riding a bike.**
-Living in hiding, she did with little privacy.

Which word is most similar to the word intuition?

Mrs. Sue, could you help me? if they are wrong, just let me know and i will try to fix them :)

Unit 3 : Lesson 7

Third Read : The Diary of Anne Frank, Act II
1. Part A: D
Part B : C

2. Essay

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. Essay

I promise you these are the right answers. Good luck with Language Arts 8B. Onto the Giver book! :) 100% 8/8

1. Part A: D

Part B : C

2. Essay

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. Essay

Essay one is easier it's about contrasting why they are destroying themselves over the Nazis and how they are, which if you are a cheater you won't understand, but I'm a good writer so I do.

guy really plugged his insta

Which word in the sentence does the participial phrase modify?

Pausing for effect now and then, Nicole read the best parts aloud.





Too bad indeed, Ms. Sue.

All correct. I know because I compared her answers with mine we both got 100%. ;3

Mariana W. is correct. I got 100%.

Mariana W thank you!!

Mariana W thank you soo much!

1 and 2 are correct.

3 is incorrect. Look up infinitive and infinitive phrase here:

If you're not sure of the words in the 4th one, look them up here: and let us know what you think.

alright, thank you so much

@Writeacher, i forgot to put my answer for number 4, i just realized that. my answer was D

And for 3, i got A. is that correct? thank you in advance :)

3 is B right?

Thanks all!

thanks emo aunt!<3

i think this website moniters too much! i recently bought the diary of anne frank book and here is this talking about the diary of anne frank 0-0

4. D is correct.

3 is still wrong. It's too bad that you took the time to post here, but didn't take the time to read Writeacher's link.

man yall just cheating on this site, yall going to be repeating your grade over by not doing the work. Its up to you