Find the slope of the of these coordinates.

(2,-3)and (4,4)
A. -2/7
B. -7/2
C. 2/7
D. 7/2
Is the answer A?
Thank you

I will help if you please help me with my art. I in no way meant to offend you :(

Its me again, I strongly believe C :)

You are going 2 to the right (positive), and 7 up (positive again). Where did you get the negative sign???

slope = (4-(-3))/(4-2) = 7/2

Yes Reiny is 100% right, I mixed up the values :)

To find the slope of a line given two coordinates, you can use the formula:

Slope = (change in y-coordinates)/(change in x-coordinates)

Let's use the coordinates (2,-3) and (4,4) to calculate the slope.

Change in y-coordinates:
4 - (-3) = 4 + 3 = 7

Change in x-coordinates:
4 - 2 = 2

Now, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Slope = 7/2

So the slope of the line passing through the given coordinates is 7/2.

The answer is not A (-2/7), it is D (7/2).

I hope this clarifies your question!