3. all of the following are true about mexico city except 1 point

A) it faces traffic problems
B) it has pollution
C) it has water shortages
D) 200,000 people live there

4. A reason why many people move from small villages to Mexico City is to 1 point
A) work as migrant workers
B) become squatters
C) reduce their commute to work
D) earn more money

5. In a typical rural village in Mexico, you might expect to find that most people living on farms get their food by 1 point
A) growing their own
B) buying what they need at large supermarkets
C) buying what they need at small markets
D) gathering nuts and wild berries

Ms sue is awful

Ms. Sue on my last test i got all the asnwers wrong thanks alot stupid

Ms. Sue you seem a bit upset everything okay?

No ... that's two wrong guesses on #3. Don't post this again.

I suggest you use www.google.com to find out which one is NOT true about Mexico City.

3 is D, and the rest are ok, i got 100%

The answers are


RAT TAP is right

We'll be glad to check your answers.

3. C

4. D
5. A

I agree with you on 4 and 5, but not 3.


Is 3 a then?

And why are you guys being so rude. @Ms. Sue, @Writeacher

Mrs Sue stop always saying we don't use your help or listen when your the one who always sends links to sites like it will help, like explain what your trying say.

mrs.sue are you ok? everyone keeps going off on u but i cant stop laughing reading these.

You posted on Jiskha to get advice. Why didn't you take it. Obviously you did not read the link that Writeacher posted for you.

Two guesses is all you get. You're on your own now.

NO -- your criticism is not valid since you gave us no idea what your questions were, when you posted them, nor what name you used then.