compare and contrast the play's George Dandin and Le Commissaire est bon enfant(1899)

please and thank you.. im really stuck

This site will help you write a compare and contrast paper.

i don't need to write a paper. i just can write it in point form

Certainly! Both "George Dandin" and "Le Commissaire est bon enfant" are plays, but they differ in various ways. To compare and contrast them, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather information: Start by collecting relevant information about both plays. Read or review the plays, noting their plot, characters, themes, and setting. This will help you find points of comparison and contrast more easily.

2. Identify similarities: Look for common elements between the two plays. For example, both plays might belong to the genre of comedy or feature characters with similar roles. Note down these similarities as they will serve as a foundation for your comparison.

3. Analyze the characters: Pay attention to the main characters in each play. Identify their personalities, motivations, and relationships with other characters. Compare and contrast how George Dandin and the Commissaire (police officer) are portrayed and how they contribute to the overall plot and themes of their respective plays.

4. Examine the themes: Identify the central themes explored in each play. Are they similar or different? For instance, "George Dandin" might explore themes of marriage, social class, and gender dynamics, while "Le Commissaire est bon enfant" might deal with issues of justice and bureaucracy. Analyze how these themes are developed and represented in each play.

5. Compare the plot and structure: Examine the plotlines and narrative structure of both plays. Look for differences in the story arcs, plot twists, and resolutions. Compare the pacing, climax, and resolution of each play, noting any similarities or differences.

6. Consider the historical context: Take into account the time period and cultural influences that shaped each play. "George Dandin" is a 17th-century French classic by Molière, while "Le Commissaire est bon enfant" is a 19th-century play by Georges Courteline. Analyze how the historical context might have influenced the themes, characters, and social commentary present in each play.

7. Summarize and evaluate: Once you have compared and contrasted various aspects of the plays, summarize your findings and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each. Consider factors like character development, relevance of themes, and the overall impact on the audience.

By following these steps, you should be able to compare and contrast "George Dandin" and "Le Commissaire est bon enfant" effectively. Good luck!