multiple choice always,never,sometimes

Intersecting lines are _____coplanar?

If both lines are in the same plane, they are coplanar.


To determine whether intersecting lines are coplanar, we need to understand the concept of coplanarity and how it relates to intersecting lines.

Coplanarity refers to the property of points, lines, or other geometric shapes being located in the same plane. A plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in all directions.

Now, let's consider intersecting lines. When two lines intersect, they meet or cross at a single point. In a three-dimensional space, the lines can either lie in the same plane or be in different planes.

Based on this understanding, we can determine the answer to the question:

- Always: If two intersecting lines lie in the same plane, then they are always coplanar.
- Never: If the two intersecting lines are in different planes and do not lie in the same plane, then they are never coplanar.
- Sometimes: If the intersecting lines are in different planes but happen to intersect at some point, they are sometimes coplanar.

Therefore, the answer to the question "Intersecting lines are coplanar?" is "Sometimes," as their coplanarity depends on whether they lie in the same plane or different planes.